Major client warns Boeing to fix problems with its 787s before designing a new type

Global major commercial aircraft leasing company Air Lease Corporation has warned Boeing that the airframer must “get its house in order” regarding problems concerning the Boeing 787 production line. Until it does, the lessor would not be interested in buying any new type that manufacturer might wish to develop.  The warning was issued by Air Lease president and CEO John Plueger in an investors’ call on Tuesday. He said that there appeared to have been a mushrooming of issues on the 787 production line. These were now significantly delaying deliveries to Air Lease’s customers. In some cases these delays were as long as almost 12 months. If delays reached 12 months, Air Lease and its customers both had the right to cancel their orders with Boeing. And Air Lease had cancelled 737 MAX orders last year, on precisely this basis. 

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