The Book "Construction, Maintenance, Restoration and Rehabllltatlon of Highway Bridges" has been written for the benefit of bridge engineers associated with the construction. maintenance. restoration and rehabilitation of bridges. The engineering students having a special subject on bridge engineering or construction technology will also find the book very useful. The book contains six chapters on bridge construction including durability considerations. two chapters on bridge inspection and maintenance and seven chapters on failure and restoration of bridges as well as rehabilitation of distressed bridges. The appendices contain proforma for original bridge report. proforma for routine inspection and proforma for principal/detailed inspection. To make the subject easily understandable, sketches have been profusely presented. Moreover. photographs of actual construction, failure. restoration and rehabilitation of various Indian bridges have been included in the book. Case studies have been reported for 25 actual bridges which are put to service after either restoration or rehabilitation or reconstruction when they became unserviceable fully or partly due to failure of or distress in bridge components. The problems encountered and the solutions adopted for these bridges will immensely help the departmental engineers. consultants and contractors who might be faced with similar problems.
Title | Construction Maintenance Restoration and Rehabilitation of Highway Bridges |
Author | RAKSHIT (Author) |
Language | English |
ISBN | ISBN-10: 8173810974 ISBN-13: 978-8173810978 |
Size | 122 MB |
Download Method | Direct Download |
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