Fly Ash Supply – Current Statistics and Forecasted Supply

Fly Ash Supply - Current Statistics and Forecasted Supply
Fly Ash Supply - Current Statistics and Forecasted Supply

Presented By: Thomas H Adams

Affiliation: American Coal Ash Association

Description: Since 1968, the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) has conducted an annual survey of the production and use of coal combustion products, including fly ash. The survey is intended to demonstrate trends in the beneficial use of these materials over time. Use is reported in 17 distinct categories including use in concrete mixtures, blended cements, raw feed for cement manufacturing, and controlled low-strength materials. In recent years, harvesting of fly ash from surface impoundments and landfills has added additional quantities to the supply chain. Some imported fly ash and bottom ash has been adding further quantities to meet market demand. ACAA engaged the American Road and Transportation Builders Association to forecast and report on future fly ash supply from operating power plants. This forecast provides estimates to the year 2039. This presentation will present a summary of the findings of the survey and the forecasted production.


Title Fly Ash Supply - Current Statistics and Forecasted Supply
Duration 20 Mins
Language English
Format MP4
Size 45 MB
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