With recent advances in computing and modeling tools, and with growing challenges in t…
The City of Cape Town has launched new tenders to procure as much as 300 MW of renewab…
Debt-free surface gold mining company DRDGold on Wednesday declared an interim dividen…
The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA), the National Housing Finance Cooperati…
World Bank Group member the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Zimbabwean ins…
A unit of Old Mutual hired Goldman Sachs Group to help it acquire Africa-focused renew…
Helping African nations during the clean energy transition should be a priority of COP…
The dirtiest fossil fuel is still raising-trillions of dollars of funding, despite fin…
Tensions over Ukraine are entering a critical period, driving up prices of raw materia…
Diversified mining and marketing company Glencore on Tuesday announced 84% higher fina…
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