In Fall 2016, a 1,010 ft tendon running continuously through five spans of the main s…
The presentation develops a novel method to evaluate the state of nanotube disper…
A beneficial use of carbon dioxide in ready mixed concrete production has been develo…
This presentation introduces partially unzipped carbon nanotubes (PUCNTs) as nano-ame…
Details Title Design Standards and Non Linear Analysis Methods Duration 30 M…
The Varina-Enon Bridge, southeast of Richmond, VA, opened to traffic in July 1990 and…
The Marquette Interchange, a highway system since the 1960s, was replaced with new st…
The IDEA RS development team is pleased to announce the availability of IDEA StatiCa …
The IDEA RS development team is pleased to announce the availability of IDEA StatiCa …
RISAFloor supports the three fundamental types of diaphragms used in structural a…
In RISAFloor users have full control of the criteria used for the optimization of…
The South African Canegrowers Association (SA Canegrowers) has welcomed the call by Pr…
The SharkSafe Barrier, developed by Stellenbosch University (SU) research commercialis…
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