Petrochemicals giant Sasol says it expects to report at least a 20% year-on-year impro…
The City of Cape Town has advised residents living in the CBD and along the Atlantic S…
More early-stage upfront work to generate detailed engineering specifications will be …
The global sales of electric cars (EVs) grew by 41% last year, despite the shock of Co…
The Biden administration faces a major dilemma in its dispute with the European Union …
Mining, preceded by exploration, is the greatest economic multiplier of all business a…
State-owned power utility Eskom has entered into an active partnership agreement with …
Airport management company Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) says it has lifted the…
Nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank the Milken Institute and the Motsepe Foundation have…
South Africa’s emerging solar photovoltaic (PV) value chain has significant potential …
Mozambique's economy faces multiple challenges, including a growing insurgency aga…
The UK should move faster to replace gas with hydrogen in domestic heating, as the cou…
China stepped up its drive to rein in steel production and fight rocketing iron ore pr…
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