Emerging integrated energy producer Renergen is confident that its Virginia gas projec…
Surface meshes and grids must be perfectly intersected to be useful in the finite elem…
The South African Institute of Civil Engineering (Saice) launched an online platform f…
ACORD is a timber and composite structure calculation software made up of “modules” th…
A deep understanding of the critical drivers of greenfields exploration by junior reso…
ACORD is a timber and composite structure calculation software made up of “modules” th…
The June 1 launch of the JSE’s new Cutting Red Tape initiative to make listing on the …
Diversified miner Anglo American on May 6 launched the world’s first zero-emission hyd…
Oil headed for the longest run of monthly gains in more than a decade as European Unio…
Presented By: Castillo-Araiza Rodolfo, Instituto De Ingenieria Civil This presentation…
Presented By: Castillo-Araiza Rodolfo, Instituto De Ingenieria Civil This presentation…
South Africa is well-positioned for effective renewable energy generation, as abundant…
Brazilian Federal State-owned nuclear energy company Eletronuclear has signed a “Term …
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